Make your Ideas reachable, like fingers reach!

With the world that is shrinked within your grasp, and strong Internet connectivity, Smart phones changed the tech industry in the past decade and it would never cease it's growth. It is almost mandatory to have a companion app for your business to strenghthen the bond between your client and your services, even increasing your teams productivity.

From a general perspective it might be confusing to bring your app into reality, how to start designing the UX and UI, which programming language to choose, how to manage the database and other backend activities etc.,

And that's where Tritern assists you with

Unlike closed loop development firms, we make everything transparent to our clients and educate them about the technologies and languages that we have used for their app to take shape.

We start with the design process structuring the User experience design, beautiful yet interactive User interface which helps you to get an pre-vis experience of your application. You can opt to change the look and feel your application within this stage.

The backend is the pillar of your application, we tend to use the latest, trident tested languages and algorithms to keep your application smooth and running even with huge userbase.


The pricing mentioned are subjected to change based on the project type & exclusive of GST.

Basic Serverless (Android)

  • Static Application
  • Flutter
  • Ad Monetisation
  • 3 Months free support
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Cross Platform (Dynamic)

  • Android / iOS / Web
  • Crossplatform Framework
  • Backend structuring
  • 3 Months free support
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Native Android/iOS

  • Better Performance
  • Great Security
  • Native SDK and API
  • 3 Months free support
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Our team will alloacte a personnel to guide you and will get a estimate for the services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chat with us or send the details using the form below for more details

  • It's not about the app quality which is similar to native anyway, it is our expert advice that building an app twice is always costlier than doing it once and optimizing it in Flutter. As it is crossplatform framework we can export the app to widely used platforms.

  • Backend collectively has API development and integration, caching, multithreading, Database handling, server side services and many more based on the application core ideology.

  • Yes, based on your business goals. If client retaining and recurring is your top priority it's a best way to stay within the reach of your users, a mobile app can deliver good performance and content delivery seamlessly compared to a website.

  • Performance, Stability, access to Mobile hardware directy and scalability - These are the places a native application can overcome crossplatform apps. Due to the constant framework updates and hardware performance increment the lines begun to blur between native and crossplatform applications.

  • Subscriptions, Freemium, Ad Revenue, Pay per download and in-app purchases are top ways of generating revenue from a mobile application. Based on the category and the quality of the app we can integrate any of the above monetisation strategies.

  • We first work on the Most Viable Product launch i.e, the app will feature the main use of the application and make sure it is bugfree and "working", then with the following updated we start adding the supporting modules to the application.